Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I hate stupid people

I hate stupid people. I read an article today on MSN that said you should be able to have a family that is as large as you want and that its protected under our first amendment right "life, liberty, adn the persuit of happiness." Too bad that infringes on my first amendment rights too. I want to be able to go to the beach without screaming yelling kids and parents feeding their fat little hoggers hot dogs and ice cream. I want to be able to shop in the grocery store without hear whinning and children calling their moms dumb and holding their breath. My persuit of happiness is owning a boat and sipping on a martini while I am docked in the bermudas. Too bad my taxes pay for your kids to go to school, eat reduced rate lunches, read at the library, enjoy the local park, and go to art camp at the local rec club. I pay for your kids and the more you have the less you pay and the more everyone else pays. You get a EIC credit of like 3k for each kid over 2 you have. OOPS! Didnt I see you kids dirty diaper float by my boat because you pollute the earth with unrecyclable baby diapers? Do you have a farm? Is that why you need more kids? To milk the cows at dawn? Or do you call it a religious choice and dont believe in birth control? Well, my religion believes in birth control AND self restraint. If you hate your husband and are in the middle of a divorce why oh why do you continue to have children? Are you stupid?

Please dont force your procreation upon me. Espcially if you kids behave badly and you are too much of a pussy to pop them in the mouth when they call you "stupid mommy" in public. These kids now are horrible and I dont see it getting any better.

Think about your carbon footprint. If you need a van to transport your kids to every sport known to man you are affecting me. If you dont discipline your children you are affecting me. If your kids are loud it affects me. If you suck at being a parent it affects me. If you buy shit from Wal-Mart and support child labor in CHina and less than living-wage in the US and horrible environmental records it affects everyone. Dont tell me its your choice. You should have to fill out an application and have a fence check before having achild...just like I had to before I adopted my dog.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Didnt I do this yesterday?

Every day seems to be getting more and more similar. It doesnt help either that the weeks seem to be whizzing by. Maybe this is why I dont yet have a tan and summer is already over.


Work still blows...as always. Its not just the work itself but I am a strong survivor of 2 large rounds of layoffs as well as smaller monthly layoffs since May. All in all about 100 people have gone and some departments have been cleaned out. I dont think its over either. I would be nice if HR decided to share a little piece of the criteria for layoffs, the final size of office they want, what departments are the most likely to be hit, etc. The last round of layoffs they sent out a nice (albeit uncaring and cold) e-mail saying that they know people are concerned and will strive to be more open with staff. Yeah Right. I have found several articles in local and worldwide papaer written of our company and I didnt hear a peep out of HR or BD about how they plan to address the bad press.

I dont trust anyone here further than I could throw them. Especially the CEO of our company. He is always gone now that his affair with a key member of his staff was exposed. Everyone knows about it and he is still here!! The thing that really pisses me off is that he and our parent company keep telling us that honor and truthfullness and morality are a huge part of our corporate culture and yet we saw him sneak around with her for half a year before she got the boot and he was allowed to stay. If you can lie to your wife and kids I see you as having no problem to lie to minions at your company, even your boss in order to keep your ass out of asling or to save you job. Liar.

I guess every company has something like this but its getting old. There is so much drama here that sometimes I feel like we could have our own reality show. Its awful and not getting any better. I thought that after 5 months things would start to calm down and level out by the layoffs keep stretching out. Our COO left a few months ago and I dont even think that we will be getting a new one. Is that because the company plans to fold and no use hirhing executive level for a dying ompany or that the omcpany will be so small a COO would be a waste of money? I have no idea and as you probably are thinking they wont tell us anything.

I dont know how much more I can last here. Some days are great and others are awful. This is one if the latter.

I have 4 more modules until I have completed ny MBA and then it is on to my thesis. I am allowed 6 months to complete it but I want the damn thing to be over with and I want my degree. The problem is I cant think of a thesis. I kind of want to tailor it to successfull business or that strong factors that cause a business to fail. I would like to use this company as a jumping-off point but If I wrote something specific to what they are doing wrong here it might hurt my morale and if someone got ahold of it I might be canned. I will keep thinking...